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For Course Credit

Clark Faculty

Professors can incentivize students to participate in studies for course credit. To create a course credit requirement, simply email with your course number and title.

Clark Students

When registering for an account, choose the appropriate course(s). You can edit the courses you are enrolled in on the “My Profile” page. You can view the available research studies under the “Studies” tab. Note that some studies are offered for credit, and some are offered for payment. After participating in a study for credit, you can assign credits to courses under the “My Schedule/Credits” page.

Participant FAQs

Where can I find more information about SONA?

Please refer to SONA’s documentation for participants.  We recommend watching the tutorial to get a complete overview.

Researcher FAQs

Where can I find more information about SONA?

Please refer to SONA’s documentation for researchers. We recommend watching the tutorial to get a complete overview.

How will participants hear about my study?

By default, participants will receive a weekly email announcement about available studies. After setting prescreen qualifications, you can use the “Invite Qualified Participants” option to email participants an invitation.

Can I be both a Participant and a Researcher under the same SONA account?

Yes, a given account can potentially have multiple roles, e.g., participant, researcher, administrator.

My IRB approved study did not originally include the SONA Research Participation System as a recruitment method. Can I still post my study?

You will have to amend your IRB protocol to describe recruiting with SONA.  After your amendment has been approved, you can post your study.

For any questions or concerns about the Research Participation System at Clark University, please email:

Contact Information

Sponsored Programs and Research

Office Location

Jefferson 5th Floor, Atwood
Clark University
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610

Lisa Gaudette, Director
